With .NET as a skill, delaware is your oyster

May 26, 2024

Feeling trapped in a job that no longer fulfills you? That’s a lose-lose situation. We combat this by examining the skill sets of our .NET professionals and identifying their desired areas for development. Meet Ruben and discover his evolving career path: he started as a junior .NET developer – but switched to senior consultant as an Azure solution architect.

Searching for the perfect fit together

Maybe you yourself have a background in software development, but it's not entirely clear what an interesting career path could look like. There is no one size fits all when it comes to .NET developers’ jobs. Keeping that in mind, at delaware, we try to figure out where your skills can flourish and offer different growth opportunities in multiple directions instead of trying to mold you to the requirements of one specific vacancy.

Simply tell us what you enjoy and do best, and we'll work together to design the ideal career path for you. In our .NET roles, the most important thing is that you’re familiar with environments like Microsoft Dynamics, Mobile Web & IoT or Azure”, lead recruiter Mathieu says. 

From junior to far far beyond

Ruben Verschuere started his career at delaware 6 years ago. With a bachelor’s degree in computer science in his back pocket, he started as a .NET developer for our client Fluvius. Together with his team, he developed end-to-end applications that run fully on Azure. Learning as he went, he gained loads of experience. In just a short time, he became lead developer for this case. 

“After working at Fluvius for 3 years, I kind of felt like I reached my ceiling. I became more and more intrigued by the role of an architect. So I let delaware know that I was ready to move in this new direction”, Ruben recalls. 

If you are brave enough to make suggestions to further your career, the opportunities pile up for you.
Ruben, senior solution architect

Take a chance and watch yourself grow

An architect course at IDesign Europe in Zürich, Switzerland caught Ruben’s eye. This was a chance to learn a new skill that Ruben grabbed with both hands. 

“I took the initiative to propose this course to my seniors. They enthusiastically agreed, so that’s how delaware allowed me to go to Zürich to chase my dreams. I came back with a renewed eagerness to dive head first into this new role. After that (and since then), I could call myself a full-time Azure solution architect. Recently I was also able to join Microsoft Build in Seattle, an amazing experience!"

Curiosity trumps seniority

“Of course, we expect a certain basic technical knowhow. But we’ll never hire someone based on pure seniority. It’s so important to us that you are willing to grow and that you are down to examine all the latest technologies, recruiter Mathieu continues. 

Someone who worked at delaware for 3 years and is eager to learn will usually be more skilled than someone with 10+ years of experience who refuses to grow
Ruben, senior solution architect

“Nowadays, there’s a lot of focus on microservices and containers. AI, of course, also is becoming the norm. It’s important that this excites you. That you are ready to picot and that you are curious to integrate these tools and trends into your work”, Ruben concludes. Flexibility, eagerness to learn, and independent work are more of the soft skills that we look for in candidates. 

The different routes you can take here without losing the connection to your team, that's something I haven't experienced before. You learn how to transform your knowledge into different contexts: with different clients and in various environments. Growing is part of your job - something you never get bored of. 

Do you have .NET experience and not sure where to go next?

Send over a message to our recruiter & fellow software development enthusiast, Mathieu.Chatelet@delaware.pro. He'll love to have a look at what your ideal future position might be. Or maybe you'll find inspiration in the open vacancies below?

the different vacancies linked to .NET

With .NET as a skill, delaware is your oyster. Find a matching job opportunity here, or get in touch with our recruiter Mathieu.